Friday, June 17, 2011

A year already?

Actually, it will be a year and a month in two days that we have been in MI. It's becoming to far between blog posts that I'm having a hard time starting again. My journal hasn't had much action either. (Or home movies, photo albums and baby books!).

Summer is here after a rather wet spring, but it was more spring like than I remember MI being in the past. It's been special to watch all the trees getting leaves and see the various flowers blooming right here in our yard. Most recently it's been Iris & Roses. Overall the new house thing has been pretty good. We have encountered some ants this spring and are trying to figure out the best way to deal with them. Bugs really stress me out. On another bright note, I have herbs, tomatoes and peppers on the deck and they get watered nearly every day! I don't think I ever watered a plant in MO.

The children. I thought being pregnant and having an infant made life busier... but his being two has got me even more overwhelmed than I ever thought I could be. Fortunately two comes with new words, increased adorableness and affection along with the challenges.

Being closer to family has been wonderful. Weekly lunch with my mom, family parties and just knowing family is not too far away. Rarely a day goes by where I'm not thinking how lucky we've been to make this move in our lives. It has made a huge difference for the kids too.

That being said, L is pining for the "rocket ship playground". We've talked about the 3 of us taking a trip back next summer, when F will have a bit easier time in the car (I hope). Various playgrounds, the Magic House and City Museum are on the wish list. That's L's list... I'm a little scared to try City Museum with my second child without another adult.


Mrs. Gnome said...

Oh because you wouldn't have Any other adults hanging around you in STL! ;)

R said...

I'm afraid asking anyone else to chase after F would be a huge favor. He can be a terror.
We, of course plan on being surrounded by friends no matter where we are :)

Unknown said...

If you go to the city museum we will be there. Just call.

R said...
