October and L's birthday! We read the entire Harry Potter series this year and L wanted a "Harry Potter Party". We had an elaborate "Scavenger Hunt" complete with spell casting to find gifts, which were the components of a his Harry Potter costume and some books to go with it.

I made (!) a birthday banner and purchased a Hogwarts one, which is making a nice decoration in our home still.

Each person was sorted into their house when they arrived. They wore the sorting hat and fished into a cauldron for a slip of paper telling them which house they were in.
I made Chocolate Frogs and had Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

I also made Butter Beer & some "Wands". I also made a cake which did not look at all like an orange cat.... more like a flesh colored rabbit...sorta, but it tasted good.
I think my favorite thing was the expression on his face when he saw the banners up and the sorting hat on the table.
I love this!
My two grown sons and I are huge HP fans, but they were already pre-teens when the first book came out. I wish they had been younger; they (and I) would have had so much fun with something like this.
I might have to just have an adult HP party. The wishing hat alone would be a hoot...
And how old is L? It's amazing he's old enough to appreciate the books! Did you have to explain much to him?
I meant "sorting hat." Longgg day.
An adult party would be really fun!
He just turned 6, so 5 while we read the books. He really took to them fast and I was surprised he didn't want to stop after it got more "serious".
We did talk about it a lot, and I think he really loves it for the wizarding, magic and adventure level. I think he'll love it again in later years on an even deeper level.
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