Friday, May 25, 2012

Update on the younger one...

My previous post really focused on L, and I should give F is share too. He recently turned 3, and he is a little hurricane. SO active, SO demanding SO determined... so much like me. He looks like his Papa, but I see myself in his personality. At the same time, he has moments when he is SO sweet, SO snuggly, SO loving. When he's sleepy or wants to snuggle, he calls me "Mama Kitty Cat". He's baby kitty cat :) F is learning to scoot on the scooter (3 wheel). He's doing great. He recently got a balance bike, and when he uses it, it's great... but he's not as into that as the scooter right now. He shares a lot of interests with L. Superheros, Legos, Spinzitzu. They play a lot with Imaginext. F more than L ever did. He's recently found a love of Go Fish & to some extent, Uno. He really likes playing Zingo still. F loves helping me. Cooking, cleaning, anything, he's all about it. We've gotten to a great place where the boy will gladly pick up toys as long as there is teamwork (Mama or Papa helping). That's really nice.

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